01 Whole body glucose flux
Glucose metabolism provides fuel for supporting body function via the generation of ATP.
It contains multiple processes such as glycolysis, gluconeogenesis.
Whole body glucose flux can reflect the net balance between glucose production from liver or exogenous energy vs.
glucose intake into tissues such as brain, muscle, etc. Using labeled glucose (deuterium (D) or carbon (13C)), we can determine whole body glucose flux.
02 Gluconeogenesis
Hepatic glucose production is a major source to maintain blood glucose level.
Thus, gluconeogenesis (GNG) from each substrate such as lactate, alanine, etc.
can reflect the contrbution of glucose production from the substrates.
Using labeled precursors such as 13C-lactate, 13C- alanine, 13C- glycerol, etc.,
we can determine rates and fractional contrbution of GNG from each precursor.
03 Glucose oxidation
Glucose is metabolized in oxidative phosphorylation process, leading to production of ATP and CO2. Glucose oxidation can reflect the capacity of glucose utilization via glycolysis and TCA cycle. Using carbon-labeled glucose (13C), we can determine in vivo glucose oxidation.
04 TCA cycle flux
The generation of ATP is determined mainly by TCA cycle which is composed of a series of chemical reactions provided by stored energy such as glucose, fats, and amino acids.
The metabolites flux in TCA cycle can reflect capacity of producing ATP.
Using carbon-labeled precursors including 13C-glucose, 13C-lactate, 13C-glutamine, etc.,
we can determine in vivo TCA cycle flux.
Glucose metabolism provides fuel for supporting cellular functions via the generation of ATP. It contains multiple processes such as glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogen synthesis. At basal fasted states, the rate of appearance (Ra) of glucose which is equal to the rate of disappearance (Rd) of glucose reflects mainly hepatic glucose production or HGP (derived from gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis). In fed state where exogenous glucose appears into the circulation in addition to HGP. Using labeled glucose with heavier stable isotopes (deuterium (D) or carbon (13C)), we can determine whole body glucose flux (Ra or Rd glucose).
Hepatic glucose production is a major source to maintain blood glucose level.
Thus, gluconeogenesis (GNG) from each substrate such as lactate, alanine, etc. can reflect the contrbution of glucose production from the substrates.
Using labeled precursors such as 13C-lactate, 13C- alanine, 13C- glycerol, etc.,
we can determine rates and fractional contrbution of GNG from each precursor.
Glucose is metabolized in oxidative phosphorylation process, leading to production of ATP
and CO2. Glucose oxidation can reflect the capacity of glucose utilization via glycolysis and TCA cycle.
Using carbon-labeled glucose (13C), we can determine in vivo glucose oxidation.
The generation of ATP is determined mainly by TCA cycle which is composed of a series of chemical reactions provided by stored energy such as glucose, fats, and amino acids.
The metabolites flux in TCA cycle can reflect capacity of producing ATP.
Using carbon-labeled precursors including 13C-glucose, 13C-lactate, 13C-glutamine, etc.,
we can determine in vivo TCA cycle flux.
주식회사 마이오케어 2023 MYOCARE INC.
주식회사 마이오케어ㅣ대표: 김일영ㅣ연락처: 070-4699-6564
주소: 서울특별시 강남구 압구정로 8길 26, B1
호스팅제공자: (주)아임웹
사업자등록번호: 597-86-02452
통신판매업신고: 2022-서울강남-04066호
소비자 상담: 070-4699-6564
© Myocare, Inc. All rights reserved.
주식회사 마이오케어ㅣ대표: 김일영ㅣ연락처: 070-4699-6564ㅣ 이메일: ㅣ 주소: 서울특별시 강남구 언주로 113길 7, 3층 330호
개인정보관리책임자: ㅣ 호스팅제공자: (주)아임웹
사업자등록번호: 597-86-02452 ㅣ 통신판매업신고: 2022-서울강남-04066호
소비자 상담: 070-4699-6564
© Myocare, Inc. All rights reserved.